This message is from: "Jo Wilgus"
What is it that is so hard to comprehend?
I have been guilty of this. It was an innocent mistake. Friends send me
jokes with every person they have sent the message to. I delete all the
names previous and send (if i find it funny.)
I think people do not me
This message is from: Steve McIlree wrote:
Not to mention the fact that replying to the digest and not trimming means
duplicating every single post in that digest...including the ones that were
already not trimmed.
Actually, that is something that never happens here. I've se
This message is from: Genie Dethloff
I don't understand why we can't delete the whole previous message
unless you want to emphasize something someone else said. If the
person reads the digest, the previous text is there. If you read
individual messages chances are you already know what the
This message is from: ""
What e-mail program do you use?
Basically, you hit reply, then go in and delete the text from the old message
before you write your own. I think it is best form to put your message above
any text you leave from the old message. The only reason to leave
This message is from: "jerry friz"
This message is from: Steve McIlree
What is it that is so hard to comprehend?
Steve, thank you for working on a solution to this. [ I wore my delete key
If I can trim a message, then a
This message is from: "Tom Rounsville"
How do you trim?
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Steve McIlree
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: From the List Admin: READ THIS (or else)
This message is from: ""
Not to mention the fact that replying to the digest and not trimming means
duplicating every single post in that digest...including the ones that were
already not trimmed. There must be some kind of exponential duplication that
happens when people reply t
This message is from: Steve McIlree wrote:
... People rarely do these types of things intentionally with the
> purpose of being discourteous. In fact, I would say that most
people do not do it knowingly, or have any idea they are doing it...
I understand this. However
This message is from: Heather Baskey
Hello from an Offender of not trimming messages. Although, I have been in
good graces for a few days, I will explain the errors of my ways.
Unfortunately, I get so excited about a topic and/or rush to reply, that I
have been rude and have not trimmed message
This message is from: ""
One thing that might help is to have folks try subscribing to the digest for a
while. When they do, they will realize how it makes the list almost
impossible to read if people do not trim posts. I had to give up on digests
because the tendon in my "mouse
This message is from:
I do a lot of tech support. People rarely do these types of things
intentionally with the purpose of being discourteous. In fact, I would say
most people do not do it knowingly, or have any idea they are doing it,
even if they've been told.
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