This message is from: Julia Webb <>

Ayyyy-MEN, Lisa.

I'm not a seller (of horses, anyway), but as a once-and-future buyer, I'm
always astounded at how agravated sellers get when I ask for video of a horse
doing the things they say they can do.

You say bombproof?  I want to see you catch, tie, curry, and work the horse.
I want to see them trailered.  I want to see hoses and water, feet picked,
etc.  These are just basics.

Trained?  I don't need 5 minutes of the same trot gait set to your favorite
song.  I want to see transitions, changes of direction, obstacles.

Pictures?  I care about conformation.  Tacked up is nice, but include all
sides on a level surface in good light with no tack, please.

Anyway...  I'll stop ranting.  ;-)  Suffice to say, I agree wholeheartedly
with your sentiment, Lisa.  Keep up the good work.

-Julia Webb
Wellington, CO...soon to be Nickerson, KS

> From:

> What has helped me sell mine also has been the videos showing what we
> advertise them to do. You can TELL people one thing about your Fjords quiet
> nature and ability to ride in tough terraine, but showing them a 5 min.
> video of the horse climbing hills, being untacked then tacked back up, out
> the open space of a 5000 acre park with no header.....sure helps. If you say
> the Fjords drives.....ok then film 3-4 videos pulling them out, grooming,
> feet, harnessing process, then drive off. Go through what they do, then pull
> the cart and harness, throw on a saddle and ride off. Do walk, trot(s)
> canter then end by floating them into a trailer. Dont edit out the parts
> they yank away a foot. Dont edit out the parts where your corgi's come
> charging up underneigh. Also, dont edit out the parts where an empty hog
> truck blows by going 50, and they hardly notice. Or your rider almost
> off the saddle because they used a too long cinch. Show it all. Show how
> horse reacts to clipping, being tied alone, loading. Use your hose and
> flood a big puddle for them to walk through. People who have had a horse
> does not go well into water will look hard at one who does.

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