This message is from: "LYNN BINKOWSKI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Marcy,
Thanks so much for the information. Just want to make sure we do our best. I will focus on a safe, stress-free trip and do whatever gait seems best. Thanks for the support!

Subject: Woodstock show questions
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 17:24:46 -0400

This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 01:09:41 +0000
Subject: Woodstock show questions

Anyway, I do have a few questions I hope someone can help with...

- - How is the cross country - ridden class judged? Is it based on an optimal time? Are there ridden hazards?

- - In the green horse jumping you have to canter 100% of the time? We are still green at jumping and I don't think we'll manage that. But, it sounds like fun and I'd like to try.

Hi Lynn,

Hope you make it to the Woodstock shop, you won't regret it. It's a ton of fun and very beginner and gree nhorsefriendly.Ifyouarenotsureabout
anything, just ask management or any of us "oldies".

Cross country is usually judged one of two ways: one - high and low times are thrown out, times averaged and the one closest to the middle wins. Other way is the course is ridden ahead of time and and optimum time chosen. Riders closest to optimum time wins. Mel Gobel can give you the definitive answer - he'll be designing the course. I can tell you that what's looked for is a good trot pace, not overly fast, not real slow. Obstacles are crossing through water, ride through a covered bridge, sometimes past balloons or flags and zig zaging through driving obstacles. No jumping. There are spotters out on course with walkie talkies ready for helping if necessary.

Green horse jumping can be cantered or trotted or a little of both. Of course a horse that cantered and got its lead changes would pin over one that trotted, given they both had a clear round. The jumps are inviting, the course simple, the crowd appreciative.

Hope to see you there.
Marcy Baer
Briar Hill Farm

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