Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #184

1998-09-28 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello List! Having just returned from the Turlock Show at 2:00 this morning, I was not prepared to respond to the list, but feel that I should set the record straight on one issue... I have attended the Blue Earth Fjord Show last year, and again this J

RE: fjordhorse-digest V98 #184

1998-09-23 Thread Larson
This message is from: Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> As Regards Steve's comments: Have you been to a APHA show lately? You can't see the horse for the chrome and glitter of tack and rider. I'm color coordinated and you're not, so I win! Like you, I could care less what the rider in the arena

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #184

1998-09-23 Thread Equconsult
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Response to Mary Olford from Wayne Hipsley ".Winging It..." The expectations for the presentation of the horses during the evaluations was established by the Evaluation Committee. It was one of the many issues they worked through in the preparation of