This message is from: Linda Lottie <> guess is he is consuming large amounts of salt.  Be very
careful.  A horse at a barn I boarded at years ago was eating WAY TO MUCH
salt.  His teenage owner just kept giving him salt and more salt....not
realizing what was happening or the danger.  I noticed his stall was just
drenched, day after day.......each horse had an auto waterere.
Finally, the horse was loosing weight ......mind you, I did not know at this
point he was consuming so much salt.  ;
The owner of the barn became involved, called the parents of the teen, and,
literally saved this horse.  Had it continued he could of died.
So, keep an eye on him.
Linda in WI

> From:
> Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 16:56:12 -0500
> Subject: salt lick, more pee?
> To:
> This message is from:
> twice in the past couple of weeks, oz has been, shall we say, peeing like a
> racehorse? he usually pees at least once during the time we are
> grooming/riding/cleaning up, usually shortly after he gets into the arena.
these two
> occasions he peed at least 3, and then again when he was turned out.
> the first time i had the vet come out and clean his sheath. he did have a
> bean, but the vet thought it was kind of strange that he peed while he was
> being cleaned. i kept an eye on him, and we didn't have any more incidents,
> until today, when we had his feet trimmed.
> both days were preceeded by first a mineral block, and then yesterday a
> salt block being placed in his pasture. i know that he likes to nibble/lick
> those, and i am assuming that he might have worked on it enough to make
> himself drink more, and thus pee more.
> does this seem likely, or could it be another problem? anyone else had
> anything like this happen? he doesn't act sick, he still is acting normally
> ridden and in the pasture.
> laurie, and oz, the full
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