This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Listers!

This hasn't come out in the BOD Minutes yet, but it is ok to speak about,
the BOD of the NFHR approved $9000 for the Record Book to be published, even
if the presales don't get up to $3500 (then the NFHR would chip in the other
$3500). The price went up to $9000 so that the Blue Earth Eval in 2000 could
be added in the first printing. This was a unanimous decision by the BOD!
Yeah!  The presales as of the BOD Call tonite have brought in $3150!! We had
almost reached our goal anyways! But this way, the extra money is covered by
the BOD's vote. This vote was taken at the Chicago, IL meeting.

To answer the question about why some of the members want their horses
evaluated by the Europeans, as long as the NFHR has ok'd them to do a
Keuring over here, then the results have to be published in the Dutch or
Norwegian Stud Books. The horses that were all just done with the Dutch
Keuring, if the folks paid the fees, are being or have been entered into the
Dutch Stud Book. The Dutch premiums recieved are also going to be put into
the NFHR Registration Certificates. This is what the BOD voted on. Before
Bob V Bon came over here to do the Keuring, he contacted the NFHR to make
sure is was acceptable. My stallion, LLA Hilmar is an American-born Dutch
Stallion. Any of the offspring or horses evaluated here, goes to help the
ratings of their parents still in Holland. As of yet, I don't think any of
the Norwegian Evalutions ever got put into the Nor. Stud Book.  Hilmar was
imported inutero. His sire is still in Holland. I own his Dam. She is a
First Premium mare, evaluted and imported by Carol of BDF as a 3 year old
and sold before she foaled. We got her and Hilmar from the folks she sold
her to. Some day I will write about Hilmar and Dena and their story. It is
quite a journey for them!
 Before I ever bred my mares (2 at the time) , we started educating
ourselves about the fjord and conformation. At the time, there was no
American system. When we bought Hilmar, there had been  no European Evals
here for quite awhile. So, we had Hilmar in the first Am. Eval here on the
East Coast to learn about his good and bad points. I also put my mares,
imported from Norway and one was Am Bred /Born, in the Am. Eval. It is for
education, education, education! We need to learn, learn, learn. That is
what the Evaluation is to us. An eduacation tool. It will also help to keep
the Fjord pure. That is what every member is dedicated to when they join the
NFHR.  I support both systems and can say that, because I have had horses
evaluated by all, Norwegain, Dutch, and the American system.  Yes, the Am.
Eval is in it's infancy. The Evaluation Committee is working on, because of
FHI (fjord horse international), having a foreign judge come and be an
evaluator at the Libby, MT fjord show. All of the other countries have other
evaluators come. Not just their own. It is important to all of these people
to keep the fjord horse as the Norwegian Fjord Horse. I think some how it is
thought that if we did foreign evaluations, that is demeans the Am. system.
It doesn't and it shouldn't. The foreign evaluations are approved first by
the NFHR. One is not better than the other. They are different, in
performance. The intent for FHI is to have all the countries working with
the same forms, some day!
     Our American Born fjord, out of a Norwegian imported mare, got her
model mare status in the Dutch system. When I did have her evaluated in the
Am. system, she got a red ribbon. Rightly so! She was not in any shape, had
a 3 month foal on her, (hello Carol! this is Patrick!!) but I entered her to
hear comments on the parts of her conformation that aren't affected by being
out of shape! Her dam,  got a red ribbon also. Man, was she out of shape,
was asked if she was pregnant, Yep! Of course, she was only 4 months along!
Certainly shouldn't have been showing as much as she was! It was a learning
experience for us to see that we really had to have them in shape for their
conformation judging part. Both mares did performance and got Blue in the
Advanced draft and a Red in the driving. One advanced and one intro.
    Now, one would think that we were real rich!! Not hardly, but we enjoy
the horses together and as a family, and I made the committment that if we
were going to breed, I wanted to be sure about the quality of our mares. If
we were going to be stallion owners, we certainly had better be educated.
That is what the Evals are about. And it is a good time had by us as a
family. We enjoy the traveling, the showing and the breeding. When I add up
all the money spent, on the horses, they have paid for themselves with the
foals produced and sold. We do all the work ourselves. If I am real lucky, I
will buy a few new t shirts each year!! Dick, aaahhhhhhhhh, I let him get
some new blue jeans as he lost a lot of weight when he went on his Heart
Diet! Now I get all his old blue jeans. We won't go into that!!!
      Anyways,, I need to sign off and go to bed! All this stuff about the
evals and bites and testicles is very important!  I haven't advertised it
yet but someday I will put an ad about Bob V Bon's comment about Hilmar's
size of his! Some of the biggest he had seen! Wow! Now Catherine is going to
send me the size of her stallions! She thinks his are larger! Now, can you
all tell I have had countless cups of Amaretta Capuchino, so I could be
alert on the BOD Call??? Lasted 3 1/2 hours. Lots to talk about  and decide.
Check out the Website for the minutes! The ones for the Dec. 2 meeting in
CHicago aren't posted as it has to be approved. Alot was accomplished at
that meeting and the new officers voted on! OK  OK............Nite all!!
Sue  g.

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