This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just sold a Fjord and a Haflinger to one client.

Both were geldings
Both were 14 hands
Both were of the draft type
Both had lots of mileage
Both were very well behaved
Both rode solid, calm and predictable
Both had good walks and trots
Both preferred trotting to holding a canter
Both were light in the mouth
Both were sensitive to legs
Both settled into my barn within 24 hours
Both were smart and attentive
Both were personable and enjoyed people
Both had big melting eyes
Both were over weight
AND both had appetites that never stopped.
The Fjord was 13
The Hafligner was 8
Both cost the exact same
The only difference 
Body color and manes.
Both good hroses.

Just my observations
Pat Holland

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