This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/1/2002 8:08:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  But since 
> starting with red raspberry leaf on our pregnant mares, we've had beautiful 
> deliveries and no retained placentas.  


We learned this one somewhat by accident a few years ago.  We had a 22 year 
old mare, Ellinor, that we were trying to breed.  She was bred but had not 
settled that year (I think thru two cycles).  Then we had gotten our own 
stallion - Our dear departed Bjorn-Knutson - and had tried to breed her the 
following year, with the same lack of results thru 3 cycles.  We were about 
to give up, but decided to give it one more try.  About two weeks before she 
came into season again we had her out in the yard cleaning up the grass where 
we couldn't mow, and she managed to get into the old garden area.  There 
happened to be a row of old Raspberry canes there which Ellinor stripped of 
every leaf.  I did some research on the Internet to find out if this could be 
harmful to her, and found lots of references to Raspberries being beneficial 
in the area of reproduction..... Hmmm??  Ellinor was bred again about two 
weeks afterward and promptly conceived.  We then got a hold of more Raspberry 
leaves from a local gardener, cleaned and dried them and continued to 
supplement Ellinor with them.  She had an easy birth and a beautiful colt 11 
months later, and bred back again with no trouble.  She had a lovely filly as 
her last foal, at 25 years of age!  We now give dried Raspberry leaves to our 
other mares before breeding.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

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