This message is from: Phillip Odden <>

This message is from Phillip Odden in Northwestern Wisconsin where summer seems to be giving way to fall but the mosquitos are still mighty thick.

Thanks Julie for the kind words about our program here at Odden's Norwegian Fjord Horses. It will be fun to see the picture in Driving Digest. Iron Horse 2010 was a memorable event with all the top Four in Hands there. Iron Horse is such a nice venue with lots of wonderful volunteers, drivers and exciting horses. The obstacles there are certainly challenging.

Some years ago Else and I set a goal to show well trained and nicely mannered athletic Fjord Horses at ADS sponsored pleasure driving shows and Combined Driving Events across the country. To be successful we knew we needed to find Fjords that could move as good as, or better than the Morgans, German sport ponies, Halflingers, Welch ponies and all the other great driving horses out there. These days the horses people are choosing to drive and ride at open shows are getting better as people understand it takes a good athletic horse to compete. It also takes a horse that is trainable, able to focus, and one that will remain sound over time in a demanding sport. These are the same qualities that make good trail horses or good dressage horses.

The NFHR Evaluation Program offers the basic knowledge to get started in the right direction. I have learned a great deal from the evaluation program. As I started to choose horses to compete with some day, I didn't want to rely on some breeders self serving propaganda on which to base my choice for an athletic sport pony and a breeding and training program of our own. I wanted to learn for myself what it takes. I decided on the conformation and disposition I wanted in my competition horses based on what I learned from the NFHR Evaluation Program. Then I set out to prove or disprove what I thought would work.

When we are not competing our show horses we use these horses around the farm to haul firewood, haul maple sap, till the garden, trail ride, and as pack horses on hunting trips out West. I often practice driven dressage movements with my hay wagon.

It takes a team effort to do pleasure shows and CDE. Howard and Sophie Fiedler and Else and I have had lots of fun along the way. When Howard isn't able to go Bob Long has also helped. As many of you know, Else can take some awesome horse photos besides helping to clean harness and vehicles. It takes a team effort. You can't get there by yourself.

There are several other Fjords doing very well at ADS pleasure shows and CDE's across the country. Right now I think Howard and Sophie's stallion, the one they call Hershey, is one to watch. He has scored very well in the NFHR evaluation program and he too is proving himself in ADS sponsored driving shows and ridden dressage shows.

Next weekend we will be at Villa Louis on the banks of the Mississippi trying to extend our string of Championships there and then off to demonstrate at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington Kentucky in October where we hope to churn up a cloud of dust in the ADS Driving Derby.

Stay safe,

Phil Odden

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