This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi list -

Our  filly Pepper revealed to us yesterday just how she managed to trap
herself in the locked log cabin on our property.  A neighbor was over
turning our manure pile with his tractor.  Like her brother, Pepper was all
over the machine, licking, trying to get up on it, and generally getting in
the way.  [It's hard to drive your tractor when you're convulsed with
laughter...]  In the interests of getting the job done, Doug cut short the
show and took her over to the log cabin area to be out of the way.

Upon arrival there, she began industriously lipping the lock on the door,
trying to remove the bolt and nut Doug had  installed after her
hide-and-seek escapade earlier.  So now we know that she was able to turn
the key in the hasp to open it and push her way in...  Clever girl!  Never a
dull moment with these kids.  Well, back to the pasture-picking - at least
it's sunny today.  Cheers, Peg Knutsen

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