This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Andy, I certainly apologize to you if you were offended by my remarks. No
offense was intended.

It was a question, "How does one become numb enough to work in a

Emotional? Yes, but an honest question I thought. One answer might be because
it was the only way to put food on the table. Fair enough, I would not try to
argue that.

I think we all must remember that the list is really a bunch of Fjord people
getting together for tea and having discussions while looking at the horses
out the window.

One says that horse is bowlegged another says it is a fine specimen. Great,
this creates discussion and we all learn.

Email is dangerous though as all the inflections, tone and facial expressions
are lost.

We were discussing big factory processing slaughterhouses, not the type your
dad ran. Obviously as long as people enjoy meat (and I do) we need some type
of slaughterhouses. That does not mean that a) we need to slaughter animals as
smart as Fjords that were previously pets and b) that we have to be unduly
cruel and harsh in our treatment of animals headed to and at the slaughter.

The entire thread was Fjord related because it was started by a "Three Fjords
headed to slaughter!" email.

Sometimes as threads weave throughout posts, we will hear of kids, dogs,
geese, occupations, events, etc.

We won't always agree on things but we learn about each other, our lives,
beliefs and beautiful Fjords.

On occasion we may unknowingly offend and then we can only say that we are
sorry for doing such.

W Peter Randall
Randall Farms

[demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 
W. Peter Randall PM CHRP.vcf]

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