This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>My Riba is definitely a little stubborn.  But between a >horse that gets
>terrified and goes ballistic and one that stands still and >refuses to move
>until she understands what's going on, guess which I >choose.
>Gail in Tucson (I've been called stubborn, too)

Well I guess that is what I would choose too....had a little fun yesterday.
A  big old dead apple tree fell down during a thunderstorm, Sunday night.
It fell directly in front of the fly shed where our three horses spend a lot
of time. Randy put the hay out for them and noone would go by that tree to
go eat.  I went out to the garden and Storm came running....followed as far
as the tree....then actually "tucked" his tail and ran straight back to the
other two horses.  But he kept coming to have a look and then back he would
go.  Randy got my Arab, Misty, by the halter and started to lead her by the
tree.....she durned near pulled his shoulder out of the socket when she
freaked wheeled and took off back in the other direction.  Storm has no
halter on on account of the gelding leading him around by it so the next
horse of choice was the Appaloosa gelding.  He made out ok leading him by
though he acted like he was walking on eggs.  They all ate and I can only
imagine made a fast trip back up by to get a drink...and there they were
again  afraid to go back down at noon for their dinner.  We watched and all
at once a little blonde someone strutted right down by the
"killer" tree.... "theres food in them there hills"  and proceded to fill
his little Fjord belly.  It was a good half hour before the others would
venture down by.
  The mare sort of freaked me out...what if she did that when I was on her?
I wouldn't stand a chance!  The last thing I need is to come off a
horse....and I was told she was bomb proof... Hah!the only bomb proof horse
is probably one with all four feet in the air...LOL  or possibly a Fjord??
Storm certainly proved the braver of the three and he is only two.  The
others are nine and ten years.....  But then again Storm just might have
been rubbing on the tree and pushed it was very dead and brittle.
Or it might have come crashing down in the night and scared them all to
death.  I sure hope he is like Riba....and learns to remain calm.  At least
he would go look, plant his little feet and then go back to the others  and
then finally take the "plunge".  Kind of hard for him to be brave when the
others were being so silly.
Storm weighs about 750 pounds now (by the stock tape) and stands 13.2 hh.
Something really funny happened Saturday night.  Randy had Storm on the lawn
eating grass and took him over to the travel trailer to show him how doors
would open and close to get him used to that stuff.  The opening door was no fact when Randy stepped up into the did little front hoof set right inside the door! and the other was
quickly following....There was Randy pushing hard on a pony who had both
front feet flailing trying to follow "Dad" into the trailer.  I laughed and
laughed.  I would have him in the house for picture taking if I thought the
floors would hold..... *grin*  What a clown....appears to think he is some
sort of "dog".
Well gotta run...have a nice day everyone,
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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