This message is from: Nancy Hotovy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am interested also in the history of the name Espen.  We named one of
our colts Espen (he's 4 now) after a downhill skier that competed in the
Olympics when they were in Norway.  He was also in the Opening
Ceremony's during last years Olympics.  

As far as geldings/mares and stubborness, I think we're back to
individual horses.  We have one gelding who has never made a wrong move
in his life and has been used extensively from logging to exhibitions to
shows to parades.  He is Mr. Steady and will put up with anything.  I
also have another gelding (my favorite) who will test everyone who would
ever touch him. He is definately not a horse for a beginner by any
means, however it does not mean he is not usable.  I don't think he's
missed a Blue Earth show in 10 years, is in all our hitches and rides
wonderful - - but he will test a new rider to see who is really
smarter.  That wonderful Fjord mentality!  The same as any other breed,
every horse is an individual.

Nancy from Michigan

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