This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It has been 5 days now since we said farewell to our Molde.  We are still 
reeling, not only because we are still hurting, but because of the overwhelming 
response of warmth and compassion from all of you folks.  We have received 
several beautiful bouquets of flowers as well as over 50 emails.  It has taken 
this long to write personal thanks to each one.  One of our boarders also 
brought some very carefully selected (WILD OATS INCLUDED!) live plants to put 
Molde's grave.  Indeed a testimonial to the impact she had on so many people's 

Last night one of our special boarders (actually, they are ALL very special 
to us!), Sue Grantham, owned by TRR Thomas, brought a beautiful, fragrant, 
Daphne plant.  It's fragrance fills the room.  Each time we smell that sweet 
aroma, we shall remember the GOOD times.

Sue & I were talking last night about the bond that animal lovers have - it 
is truly a sister/brother hood, fraternity or whatever you would call it.  
People outside of that circle have no idea what they are missing - they'll 
get it and that is their loss. 

As a prime example, Sue said that she had been telling some coworkers about 
Molde.  The response from people 'inside this circle' was compassion and 
understanding.  One gal's response, who obviously was on the 'outside', said, 
'EEEUUUU, what do you do with a dead horse!'  Sad, she doesn't know what she is 

To all of you here, INSIDE of the circle, a huge THANX  for the cyber hugs.  
We appreciate each and every one.  It does help!

Molde, Dusty and Gayle

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