This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Jeans (Gayle & Ernest)  You gals made my day.  I actually got out
and did a little work around the barn.  You know, sticking to what I know.
There were many piles the gang had left laying around.  Cut a few manes.
It was actually quite nice in the sun with no wind.  You are right Jean, in
Fairbanks, about it getting to -20 and feeling warm.  We had that up here
the first winter we moved up, and it was below zero for over a month
straight.  When the temps got up to around zero, we were out in our
T-shirts!  And to Jean in Aberdeen, WA; I'd rather have it sunny and cold,
than always rainy and dreary.  I know what that coast cold can be like,
very damp and bone chilling.  I guess I don't have it so bad after all. :)

Not so crabby Mary O. in Northern Minnesota

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