This message is from: "David  McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My book, now named "Blessings of the Open Road: A Journey Across America by Horses and Wagon" is now complete. I had set myself a deadline of last night, prior to heading this morning to New Mexico (with some books in hand). It is printed on CD, in PDF format, which should be readable or printable on almost all computers. Producing it this way allowed for lots of pictures, perhaps as many as 200, and the book runs over 400 pages.

Last night I was printing it on my computer, thinking of the ghost of Johann Gutenberg watching over my shoulder, marvelling with me at the technology. When I started my wagon trip, eleven and a half years ago, I encountered more than a few people who hadn't seen a computer, much less my state of the art black and white, small screen laptop. Email, which I used then for the first time, was beyond imagining. So for this book to appear in this form follows from sophisticated technological origins! How could I have more been out of the present, to be ahead of my time and so far behind, traveling with horses!

When I return next week I will start to ship copies to those who have prepaid, and to any other of us technological pioneers who can understand a book in this form. When I return, I can accept MC or Visa, or a check to: Camptown Harness, P O Box 255, Acworth NH 03601. The book is $15 plus $2.50 shipping and handling.

I look forward to the brutal world of reviews....

Camptown Dave

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