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Hi All,

Just wanted to jot a quick note this AM to brag a little bit about our 
successes this weekend.  There was a show here in Eugene at the dandy new 
(three arenas and about 150 stalls all under ONE roof!), Oregon Horse Center.  
The show was sponsored by the Western Halflinger Assoc., but featured Fjords 
also.  It was an Open Schooling show.

I took 4 horses from my barn, three Fjords and one Mustang.  The three Fjords 
were Tomas, belonging to Sue Grantham, Dustenai and Cymon, Patty Peterson's 
Fjords (Patty passed away in Feb. and I have been taking care of them).  The 
Mustang, Moose, belongs to Kelly Caroll.

Moose has been an interesting challenge.  When he first came here 4 years 
ago, he was about to be looking at the inside of an Alpo can!  He was a BAD 
It was a difficult task for me as a trainer to teach Kelly how to discipline 
his bad behavior without getting her hurt.  She wanted to do it herself rather 
than pay me to do it for her.  That took much longer, but for Kelly, seemed 
to be more rewarding.  Anyway, we worked through his behavioral problems in 
weekly lessons - a long process, but definitely rewarding in the long run!

Dustenai was ridden by one of my other students, Ellen Oare, who by the way, 
is a Paint and QH owner.  NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE HERE - UH-HUH??!!

I rode Cymon, Dustenai's 5 year old son.  I believe this was the first time 
he had been shown under saddle.  Patty had shown him in halter and had won with 
him, but don't recall that she had ever ridden him at a show.  He did quite 
well for his very first show.  Had a bit of anxiety over EVERYTHING, but 
settled in nicely.

I opted to put Dustenai and Cymon just in Walk Trot classes for this first 
show.  Thought that was enough for now.  I two handed Cymon in his first class 
since he doesn't neck rein yet so did not place, but that was OK.  I rode him 
one handed in his second class and he placed 4th.  I was quite pleased with 

Ellen did very nicely with Dustenai and placed 4th and 5th with her.  That, 
too, was good.

Sue and Tomas did an awesome job as well and placed third in Western 
Equitation and second in Western Pleasure.  This was their very first time 
except for once at an Evaluation when Sue received her Silver Medallion for 
Intro. Western.

Kelly and Moose WON FIRST PLACE in both English and Western Pleasure.  I 
think they placed in some other classes as well, but so much was going on, 
exactly recall what all they got right at the moment.

Earlene and Jerry Claussen brought Thor for the driving classes.  Boy are 
Claussens troopers!  We watched Earlene drive in an Egg & Spoon class!!  
giggled afterwards that she really should learn to drive one handed!  We 
stayed long enough to watch Jerry drive in a Novice class where he placed 
Hard to beat those darling Mini's!  We had to pack up and head home so were 
not able to watch the remaining driving classes, but it sure made me wish that 
had brought Dustenai's cart!  Maybe next time!

We all went home happy with our results, but were a bit disappointed that 
there weren't more Fjords there to support the show.  Maybe next time??!!

Pam and Shannon - good going at the Rose Festival!!  Another job well done!  
That parade is the second largest in the country and is quite a MARATHON for 
horse participants.  Our barn rode with Pam in that parade last time.  We won 
the perpetual trophy for Best Dressed Group that year and I still have not 
recovered!!  Last time it was insufferably HOT!  This time it rained!!  UGH!!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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