This message is from: Phillip Odden <>

This message is from Phillip Odden in Northwestern Wisconsin where it snows nearly every day and the temperatures are ranging down to -20 to -30 at night. But our Fjords seem to enjoy the winter even with the cold temps. They get extra feed.

Else and I have planned an August 2011 tour to Norway much like the fun and successful tour I guided for the Norwegian American Museum in 2009. We are calling this tour Odden' Rural Life Traditions Tour and we will be in Norway from August 12 to 23. During the tour we will see and experience the rural culture of Norway through the Folk Arts, Music, Food and fabulous scenery of Norway. We will have guest guides and meet friends we have known from years of travel in Norway. We will visit many of our favorite places in Norway including Else's home town. We will see and experience places in Norway that tourists do not normally get to see. For those interested in Fjord horses this tour will help people understand where Fjord Horses came from and how the environment and people of Norway shaped the Fjord Horse.

Some fun and interesting people are already signing up for this tour with Else and me. The limit is 24 people.

You can find details about Odden's Rural Life Traditions Tour 2011 on our website

Stay safe and keep warm. Soon it will be Spring.

Phil Odden

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