This message is from: Susan Giargiari <>

 Hi Everyone!   Sue g. here! We had a special lead rope that had a ring in it
that you could slide to where it needed to be and then there was a hook on
each end. I think it is called a "neck rope"! You fit it around the neck
behind the ears so it won't be large enough of a opening for the horse to be
able to back up and slide out of it! Then you used the hook down the other end
to hitch to what ever. You can then put on the bridle and the horse isn't
hitched with the bridle. This was great as a safety no matter whether we were
at home hitching or at a show. ADS I don't know about but it certainly works
to make it safe for everyone!  On another note! Hilmar , who is now a gelding
of 10 months, is going to live with Sam Stanley at Barefoot Farm! She has my
Stella who is now 25. I got her at 4 years old! Wow! Hilmar is now 24....he is
at the farm I sold in Northfield, but the lady doesn't have time for him so
Sam is going to see if he will fit into her program. I am going to meet her at
her farm and then we will go get Hilmar....I can't wait to see him and Stella
reunited!! I can't wait to see Stella! She has been with Sam for going on to 3
years now...when I got custody of my grandson, Jordan, and had to go back to
work...couldn't go out and chance getting hurt! Life has certainly changed for
me but doors get opened and I believe we have the choice to walk thru them! I
live with my Mom, Dad passed away two years ago, and my handicapped sister.
They help me with Jordan and I just got a job bathing dogs! I start in
September , am excited about that!

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