This message is from: Mike & Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is with great regret that I offer Tyr for sale.  

I'd promised myself a year + ago that I'd give him time, that I'd ride
him, that surely he would get more forward and not be slow.  I believe
someone on the list said it a year ago, "maybe it would be best if you
sold him".  

He's carried me well thru the St. Jude's ride, as well as at Bankhead
National Forest, up and down those silly terraces they built at the
creek, thru the cotton fields close to my house, but he and I are just
not working out.  He's quite sure-footed, not a silly star-gazer.  

He's 5 years old, a gelding, and I'm offering him for $3500; you can go
to Dreamhorse, Horseclassifieds, or Betsy Bauer's site to access more
information on him.

Part of me really hates to do this, I feel as if my dream of owing a
Fjord is lost; and part of me knows it's the right thing to do - that
I'll be able to get a different Fjord, one better suited for me, later.  

I'm located in North Alabama, close to Huntsville.

If you need any further information, please contact Betsy Bauer

Casey and Tyr

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