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Hello, folks!
Well, Loki is not all paid for - and am just waiting for the seller to  
forward his registration paper (NFHR) and  B.I.          :-)      Finally - I 
*really* say, he's *my*  boy!     (grin)
Two weeks ago, we had to go to the vet - swollen sheath.  I recognized  the 
signs - it was smegma build up, pretty large beans.  Vet gave him a  shot of 
happy juice, and got the area well cleaned out.  While there -  asked the vet 
(who is familiar with Fjords) about how much weight does she think  he still 
to loose?  (He's lost around 75 lbs already!)  She said  -- at least another 
100 lbs.   LOL - my poor chunky  monkey!      ;-)     So we're  upping the 
diet program - same feed, but now daily lunging for about 15  minutes.
I've been bare back pad riding him in the pen (as have not been  able to send 
him to trainer till after have picked up his saddle, of  course.)  So had not 
actually put a saddle on him.  Well, trailered  him to Cheryl's home last 
Fri. for a saddle fitting session - (thanks again  so much, Cheryl!)   We now 
know he'll take an Aussie wide tree  (instead of an Aussie draft tree.)  
are nice - but I *hate* to  have to rely on them, for buying a saddle.  Here 
- the only Aussie shop or  tack shop carrying Aussies, will not allow a horse 
on property.  It's  because Down Under is in the city - very small parking 
lot, busy city street -  apparently, they had a horse get loose, run into the 
traffic.... Well, you get  the ugly picture.  So now, Lance the manager, 
explained to me they can no  longer allow horses on the property (liability 
So it has to  be withers tracings, or a form, etc. 
Next step is to save a bit and get the saddle - then can send my Chunky  
Monkey off to the trainer for his two week evaluation & "tune up" for trail  
riding.  Am told by Kurt McNabb (of the Wyoming driving clinic) that he's  been 
saddle ridden about a dozen times, accompanying the wagon trains under  saddle. 
But most of the three years that they had him, he went as a driven  horse 
hitched to a student driver's wagon.  So - we need to find where he  is for 
work - and how much more training he needs (if more) before he and  I can hit 
the trails.  In the meantime, 24 yr old Duchesse (our  Standardbred) is 
putting up with being "stuck" as my trail  partner.     ;-)
I think Loki will make a great trail buddy for me - he trailers very  easily, 
and rides pretty quietly.  If standing at a stop for a few minutes,  he'll 
get a little restly, and paw some.  But nothing outrageous / trailer  damaging. 
In about a month - we move to our new boarding stable, in Bennett,  CO.  The 
place where I'm at now is unfortunately selling their land - but  the 2 yrs I 
was there, it was very nice.    :-)     The new place is an old trail riding 
buddy of mine - we use to ride the  mountains often.  Sadly, he's not been 
trail riding off his property since  we parted ways about 5 yrs ago (been 
a lot, no time.)  Now he's  slowing down some, and casting wistful looks 
towards the Rockies.  I hope  to be able to encourage him back to what I know 
loved to do, as much as I  still do!  It's odd - he was the one with the 
and means to get  around, back then.  While in those days, I was the one 
barn-bound (no  trailer.)  Here we are a half decade later - now I have my own 
trailer and  am riding often, while he's barn-bound.  I remember he (like I) 
preferred  to ride with someone versus alone.  Hope I can help him get out,  
Well - yesterday (Sunday) I was to go on an overnight camping trip up at  
White Ranch.  Been looking forward to it for over a month.  My Welsh  pony has 
been practicing with packs, to be a pack pony and help take the camp  gear back 
to our site (a 2 mile pack in.)  We've been training for our  first packing 
trip all summer!   Soooooooo, a week ago, Duchesse was  stepping out of the 
trailer and skinned her cannon.  I medicated and  wrapped it right away, of 
course.  In about a week, think she'll be ready  to be ridden again - she's 
clean.  But it was clear - would have to  postpone the camping trip, no way 
could she heal in time to still go.  Then  last Fri., Loki startled backward - 
right onto my foot!  Can one say  "Ouch!" and 1200 lbs on my arch??   LOL!  
Luckily, just a nasty  brusing and a foot brace for a week (doc's orders).  So 
a second reason  no camping trip would be happening yesterday.  Makes me 
wonder - - is  "someone" up there trying to tell me, I should *not* go on this 
trip??   LOL!  Hmmmmm, does seem like some strong "hints" being tossed my way!  
(big grin)  Fate??    
Happy trails!
Sher in Aurora, CO
Like to ride weekdays?  Colorado  
Trail book for equestrians, Colorado    

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