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Hi everyone -

I hope this post gets through. I sent a long one about a week ago, but I 
suspect that the Digest didn't recognize the signiture of our lap-top [our PC 
has passed on] and rejected it. And I didn't have a saved version, so here goes 

Vilde is better, but still a bit depressed. Our vet took another blood panel 
today as requested by the State Vet Hosp, and we will get the results tomorrow. 
Still no diagnosis, with one set of results yet to come in. 

Vilde did show considerable energy the first time I put her out on 
the "pasture" with the other 3 girls. It was quite a circus! She chased Yenna 
and Yuli around and around until Sadie felt the need to get involved to set 
everyone straight. Apparently this worked, the pecking order was re-
established, and everyone got down to the business of vacuuming the "grass." 

I just returned from my 40th college reunion [I know, I know, I couldn't 
possibly be old enough....]. Had a great time, even though surrounded by all 
those old people.... Of note was the change in the usual alum gift. In the past 
it has been a tastefully engraved wine goblet, and I was looking forward to 
adding to my collection. But this year, for some reason, the powers that be 
decided that we all needed a "'63" paperweight.  The top lifts off and becomes 
a magnifying glass which can help us geriatric folks all read our newspapers 
with greater ease....

Puleeze....! At least my first enormous Social Security check is due to arrive 
on Christmas Eve day.

I must publicly thank Tami Pugh for her gift of a stunning oil portrait of 
Erlend. She left it here in exchange for Karimill, her grey Karibu mare in foal 
to His Majesty, when she and Ken picked her up. Tami has really captured 
Erlend's spirit - we are so fortunate!

Interesting "discussion" about early North American Fjords. When I was in 
Norway last Spring for the Evaluations, Johannes Vie, who should be declared a 
Norwegian national treasure because of his knowledge of Fjordhorse history, 
spoke very well of Sanko, the stallion imported from Norway who appears in the 
pedigree of most horses from the US Northwest or Western BC. 

Julie Will told me she really wished Johannes would someday be brought to the 
US as a guest Evaluator, since he is such a wellspring of information. We do 
have some translators who speak his dialect available. I would love to have the 
BOD of the NFHR consider this option. Yes Mike, I know you will suggest I 
contact the BOD personally about this.

Dave and Ann Sperl, we really wanted to visit see Sanvika when traveling back 
and forth, but we were ghosts in the night, so we didn't. We will connect soon, 
I hope. 

Well, Doug has arrived home, so I will sign off. I am still hopeful that I will 
be able to travel to San Diego on Thursday - we'll see.

Bye for now - Peg

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