This message is from: "Debby" <>

I have relisted two saddles on ebay, lowered the price...I need to buy tack
and money is tight.  All information is on the items on ebay, but if you do
have any questions, please write me off list.
#320420351802 and #320420170891.
My Lang has been at a rehab this month, doing water treadmill, I have a
picture if anyone would like to see, its helping to keep him in shape, in this
hot weather and hopefully strengthening his backend.  Ynde goes to a dressage
trainer for 60days, come the 19th of this month, we'd put it off hoping for
cooler weather...I'm sure she'll be the first to get worked in the a.m.s  She
surely does not like this heat.  That makes two of us.
Wish I had the money to buy one of these water treadmills, wonder the cost?  I
know the owner of this place uses it herself...not sure I would, they keep the
water clean/filtered, but it still looks kind of ucky to me...course they have
a barn full going through it everyday.
Stay cool.
Debby in Tx

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