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"but in central Illinois trail riding and rodeo
are the most popular. Driving horses are rarely seen."

I can say I have never seen another horse being driven down the road as I 
travel around my area - but, when I am out with my "good ole' boy, Sven", we 
sure turn some heads!!  I could care less if there is noone else is fun to be different.......isn't that another appealing 
aspect of the fjord??  

One of the reasons the fjord appealed to me in the very beginning was the 
"driving" aspect.....I had a riding horse!   Guess I was sort of thinking 
ahead to the day when riding might not be as easy.....and driving would be a 
nice alternative.  Well, 4+ years later I LOVE driving as much as riding.  My 
"Sven" and "Lena" were just signed up to be trained as a team this spring to 
farm equipment, hay wagons and people movers - oh what fun THAT will be:)

Linda in MN - burrrrrrrrr, I am cold!!

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