This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all.
I just wanted to let you all know we went to the evaluation on Friday in  
Fallbrook, Ca. I brought three very young horses. I brought 2 colts 14 and 15  
months old and a young filly 16 months old. I had know idea what I was doing! I 
was very nervous and did not know what to expect.
The Vestlandshest Fjord horse club could not have done a better job in  
putting on an evaluation. They were extremely helpful. Thurs. night there  was 
gentleman from the Danish fjord horse registry there who told us  what to do 
what to expect. His son Kent gave us a demonstration  and his daughter 
translated for us. Phillip Odden and Hank Nors was also there  to help us with 
instruction. They made everyone very comfortable and relaxed to  exhibit their 
Friday was the day of the evaluation. Everyone was so relaxed  It was  
amazing! I was already to exhibit all three of my horse by myself when a  
Danish gentleman by the name of Henrick volunteered to help me.  He did a 
great job and I owe him a world of thanks! Thank  you Henrick! He is much 
and can run faster.  The evaluators took time with each horse to point out the 
good  things and of coarse the things we did not want to hear about our 
perfect  horses. I am glad they took the time out for each horse.
It would have been time well spent with or without a  horse. The information 
I learned about the fjord horse will make me a  better breeder and owner. I 
need to thank all of the people who participated in  putting on the evalutaion  
It was very obvious that everyone  worked very hard to make it a very relaxed 
and educational event. I hope to  see everyone at up and coming fjord events. 
I need to also say one more thing! I  meet the nicest people there. There is 
something to be said about fjord owners!  WOW, what a great bunch of people.

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