Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #199

2001-07-16 Thread Cait603
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] HI! Iam looking to purchase a used meadowbrook cart for my 2 fjords. I live near Boston, Ma so if any one has any info on carts could they please let me now! Caitlin O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #199

2001-07-16 Thread Reena G
This message is from: "Reena G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well Betsy, my family had a WONDERFUL time visiting with you and your family (2 and 4 legged ones!) have a beautiful farmI also cannot wait together and have a great ride! Gustav arrived safely this morning.met the hauler at 7am!