This message is from: "sheri kane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd like to comment on a few of the issues that have been discussed lately
on the list.  I own 1 Fjordhorse, 5 years old, trained to ride and drive. He
also works, in a light capacity, in a therapeutic riding program. I am a
certified level instructor through NARHA. This is my first Fjordhorse. He is
indeed the most level headed, kind and gentle horse on earth, but can be
very easily bored and single minded.   I believe that he can sense a special
needs rider and will cooperated nicely for them, but if a weak rider,,,,,,
gets on and doesnt demand respect from him, he will take them wherever he
wants to go. He wouldnt hurt a fly, but will take the reins over and move on
to greener pasture, literally, if you let him. A rider must learn to
"control" the horse properly,,,,,ANY HORSE, ANY RIDER!! To think that any
breed of horse is child proof is ridiculous. At this stage in my horses
training, I would not sell him to a child without knowning that he/she has
good horse skills.

When my Fjordhorse was a little over 3 years old I sent him to a friend of
mine who breeds and trains Fjords to ride/drive.  She is known to many of
you on this list, she lives in Wisconsin, I do also.  I had my horse riding
lightly and ground driving at this time. She had him for 1 month. I went to
her for some basic driving lessons while he was with her.  He came back to
me like he had driven for his whole life.  My Fjordhorse loves driving and I
go everywhere with him. I always take along another person in case of
problems, but I've never had problems yet.  I have taken each step very
slowly and I do alot of reading.  I think the trick is to "listen" to your
horse and take things slow.  If they are not ready to move ahead, then dont!
I believe that my horse loves to drive, and enjoys trail riding because he
bores easily.

 Now that he is over 5 years old I will move him to a lesson barn where we
can take regular lessons and he can loose his big fat grass belly. He has
been on a very chewed down grass pasture with 5 other horses while away at
the therapeutic stables and he is FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I cant wait to get him
going nicely into the canter and actually take lessons on him. I have made
the commitment to take things slowly with him. I hope to keep him a good
long while.  I find the need to be very firm and consistent with him in
every area, I dont mind this because I have a friend that will go anywhere,
do anything for/with me!!!!!!!! A small price to pay for the best friend on

Last year I taught a basic driving class for a few of our special needs
clients at the REINS using Red.  He was fabulous!!!!  This year we have been
told that every NARHA certified program needs an additional certification to
teach driving classes. I am ready and willing to go  to get this
certification but with fees and travel expenses,,,etc. I am not able to
attend such a clinic. Our program is riding around 80 riders each summer, 2
months right now.  We are non profit and we all work our tails off to see
that our riders get at least 1,        4 week riding session per year. We
dont have the $ to fund this either.    I guess I am writting this in hopes
of finding some special funding for such a special program.  I can tell you
that when you see these special people riding/driving a real horse, you will
never be the same again.  These special horses are the real healers and they
give everything for us. I hate to think that my drivers will not be driving
again.  Two of them have weight issues, and 1 has back issues so that he
cannot ride anymore. 1 driver was a small child when he was hit by a car on
bike. He will never marry or drive a car, but he can drive a horse.  He
lives to do just that.  Any one of us could be placed in that position at
any time. We need to support one another. If you really love horses you will

Thanks for listening, I read the list everyday!

Sheri and Red

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