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Hello Fjord listers! 
We just had a three and a half month Arab foal castrated two weeks   ago.  He 
was starting to pester his dam and I want to turn him out with  other horses 
at weaning time.  The 'do' went slick at the clinic and other  than having to 
'open' him twice, he got along great.  Hmmm, yes, this foal  is at a Fjord 
Farm!!!!!!!!!!   LOL
Be sure to check gates and any place those pesky wasps can get in-I had a  
mare stung badly recently.
Bernie Karns
Nottawa Crossing Fjords
Marshall, Michigan
Home of Ivan-son of King Gjestar
Home of trick Fjords-Hansel and Torden
Home of trick goat girls (Mini Tenn. Fainting Goats)
and the Ex-Circus trick pony, along with the learner, Mini-Karasel's Jitter  

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