This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Hello List!   First off I have a couple of announcments. One of my
regular chatter's Jackie, from Australia, has been "hired" to be my co-host on
Fjord Chat at PetsandVets ! When I'm out of town showing, or just get busy
when everybody drop's by at once, doing those speed greetings, Jackie will be
there to pick up the slack. She is out of town competing, so hold all the
posts for her till she get's back, and we'll give her an official welcome!  

   The other new's is, that after some tricky bugging on my part, I have
gotten Dave McWeathy to guest speak on Fjord Chat!  ( The tricky part was
pinning Dave down to a date, as he is VERY busy driving, competing, and
otherwise unavailable alot of the time....)  Dave has agreed to guest speak on
Nov.1st, Sun. night, at 9:00 Eastern time at PetsandVets.  He is writing a
short bio for us to properly advertise this chat, so stay tuned.....For those
of you who have been around awhile, you know that Dave has some interesting
stories to tell, about his Fjords and related events. ( X-country trip with a
3-up of Fjords, ending at Libby, and that 40 Fjord container of Fjords from
Norway.... ) His recent win at Myopia... ect. 

   I have been enjoying this forum very much lately, and wanted to also add
that it seemed that half of Norco, this very horsey town of mine, left, and
went to Equitana the last few years... I 'cant tell you how many times we have
been out driving, and had someone pull up alongside in their car and say... "
Oh a FJORD!  I saw them at Equitana!!  ) 

   Pat, I like the way you train!!!  As a true coffee addict myself, I also
have a local coffee shop, " Pats Kitchen " and my Fjords have been spotted
tied up there with my cart's taking up a few parking spots, while I visit and
drink a pot or two. ( All in the name of training, of course! ) 

   Im headed to an ADS show on Halloween at Jodi Cutler's house. We are going
to have some interesting classes, along with all the normal stuff. There's a
"Coaching Dog " class, that I intend to enter. To be judged on manners, ( that
elimanates the Corgi ) appearence, ( takes care of the one eyed /deaf
dalmation with a serious skin condition ) and suitability to the overall
turnout. EEE  Gads, you mean I have to carry a spares kit just for the pooch?
Lets see... leash, tags, treats.... could get heavy! That ends up with the
German Shorthair, ( very disinterested in the carts,)  and the black mutt... (
outshines them all in brains anyway! ) Any and all suggestions please!    

    Take Care everyone!!  Lisa Pedersen, in 80 degree So. Calif. where the
Santa Winds have stopped for awhile!   

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