This message is from: Evers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:26 PM 1/9/99 -0700, you wrote:
>fjordhorse-digest      Saturday, January 9 1999      Volume 98 : Number 307
>> You can see Tank's picture at:
> And you can cast you vote at:

 I have cast my vote. To Tank of course, what a great picture. The others
are nice but the Fjord has character. 
  We have put a teather ball in with Bjorn our stud, he loves it & now Sage
the colt is in with him & is learning that the ball is fun.
 Mike ,thanks all our papers are here now . We are enjoying our herd, & the
winter only inhances the exercise I need . I have been given the title of
technition. I clean all the frozen turds up where the 2 boys are. I dont
know how to golf, so I  rake & scoop, then into the wheelbarrow & out to
the garden spot.Next spring( Yes I am thinking spring) the garden gets
worked up & then in goes the seeds . I hope to put in a lot more carrots
then I did last time. Our horses get lots of carrots for treats. Bud & Amy
are doing a good job with them,& I like my job.
      A little humor?
You know you're a horse person when... 
 You pull a $17,000 horse trailer with a $1,700 pickup 
 when: You seriously consider trading your 1998 ford car for a 1978 
Diesel crewcab 
dually pickup truck, even swap. 
You put a gun rack in your pickup truck to carry dressage 
whips and riding crops. 
   when: You realize that finding a horse shoe truly is lucky 
because you've saved ten bucks. 
when: You have saved five old left mud boots "just in case" and another
right one has sprung a leak. 
... you'll drive an hour in a snowstorm to ride your horse, but God 
forbid you have to drive 1/2 hour to a friend's house for dinner. 

Enough. Tillie

Bud & Tillie Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords

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