This message is from: laurie with <>

first, I want to thank everyone for listening to our western dressage 
presentation at the fjord forum. it's fun to see so much interest in this 
developing new discipline. if you didn't get information, please check out our 
website. in Minnesota it's the national organization is some states already have an affiliated club 
(colorado for one) and others are in the works. in the Midwest feel free to use 
the Minnesota site, Wisconsin and Illinois are still working on it. also, 
please don't confuse us with any organization that is not affiliated with the 
national organization, western dressage association of America.

and, oz....what can I say? he was such a trouper, even with the heat. as I 
mentioned, when we all got here in Minnesota a few years ago for either the 
winter meeting or the national 25th it was almost 90 degrees colder. we lucked 
out this year.

I had him checked again with my lameness vet. she's very pleased with his 
weight, and his feet are no longer painful. we have traced it to something in 
the pastern or fetlock area on the left leg. I am taking him to Anoka equine 
for X-rays and testing to see what we do next. at least this is progress.

he thanks all his fans for the nice comments, and it was fun to meet others and 
finally put faces to names. especially fun was Jeanne poirier, who when I 
introduced myself said, quote...nice to meet you, where is oz? LOLOL

it was a great to see everyone again, and thanks to everyone who made the 
meeting run so smoothly, and to sue plein for inviting us to speak.

laurie, and oz, the spring fuzzy pony

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