This message is from: Elizabeth Maeve Ross-McKee <>

Hello List :)

I have been lurking on this list for years ;) and have followed the exploits
of some fabulous, funny horses and their owners.  I have been wanting a Fjord
for years, I got sidetracked with (shameful I know) Haflingers... and I have
an older haffie thats pulled up lame (suspensory tendons, both sides of a rear
fetlock) and I have no idea when or if he will ever recover. At age 16 it's
unlikley he'll ever be soud. Since he's my heart, I wont put him down or 'can'
him so he's a pasture pet for now. But... I need to ride to keep my lower
spine 'open' and the QH I bought is more like a racehorse now that she has
enough to eat and daily care... I do spoil them. but she seems way taller than
she was when i bought her on 9-11. At a body condition of 2 (ya a 2 almost
dead) she seemed so short.. LOL now she's fat adn sassy and way more horse
than I think I can ride although we're really bonded and she trusts me
totally.... I think she needs a younger, thinner rider who will show that
sooty buckskin to her full potential. (woudl be a grand barrel horse for a
youngster! EAsy Jet/Doc Bar/Go Man Go lines).

So I am in the market for well trained Fjord. NOthing fancy. Just a trail
horse. Nothing over age 10. I have one geriatric horse already. One is enough.
14 hands ish.. 15 is way too tall and anything under 14 might not be strong
enough to haul me around. I Have the haflinger saddle with ex flat bars so
that table top drafty look is fine. I just want a nice walk trot canter that
will go down the road, or up in the mountains (easy trails.. i am old and half
crippled LOL so no more crosscountry stuff for me).

I also will be employing the haflinger and any other horses in my care as
mental health equine assistants for 'hug a horse' therapy, EGALA (when I get
my certification this year) but NOT riding therapy. Just ground stuff for the
clients. (insurance and all that) .

For those reasons I am turning to Fjords to fill that spot in my 'herd'  -
riding horse for me, therapy horse for clients.
And there seems to be more Fjords than halfingers, I wanted a Fjord when I
FOUND haflingers . Fjords were always way out of my price range. I still am
not rich by any means but I am willing to stick my toe into the Fjord price
pool just to test the waters ;)

Grade is ok. Registered is ok. I'd consider a cross breed too if she's the
right horse. What I don't want is a horse with a sketchy past Ther was a
lovely grade Fjord mare at a local rescue last year but I had noidea what age
she was backed or whn the outfitter that used to own her started putting
heavyloads on her. She was full of 'white' marks from breechins, saddle marks
etc. so I passed on her due to the price tag and not knowing her past. I am
not a 'newbie' horse owner by anymeans LOL. but i've never had a Fjord before

so if anyone has that spare younger mare in the barn ( i do not breed horses.
i love mares. it's a Girl Power thing ;) that's a nice littl riding horse that
canhaul a fat granny around on daily short rides and a couple of times a week
take a 6 mile ride out to my friend's ranch, not afriad of traffic or deer or
cows....  please email me off list.

Liz in western Montana

an ya i have excellent references from the vets, horse club members and my
ferrier who tells me I fret too much ... he's right, but the ponies are my

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