This message is from: "jo Anbro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just wanted to write about a wonderful experience I had with our two fjords. My friend who lives in Doylestown, PA came up to our home in Binghamton, NY and picked up our two fjords, OH Velicia who is 5 and Lillevenn, 2, and took them back to another friend's farm in Doylestown. We don't own a trailer yet. Both girls have never been off our property and we've had Veli for 3 years and Lillevenn since she was a foal. With a little coaxing they loaded fine and trailered with no problems. They became the talk of the barn. Doylestown, located in Bucks Co. PA is big horse country, especially dressage and eventing, and people were making special trips to see the fjords. Everyone was impressed with their beauty and manners. Once they settled in they were the perfect barn guests. Both were calm the whole week and got along well with the other 3 horses there. I had a lesson with a huge event rider, Wendy Lewis, who competed at Rolex and another lesson with a terrific dressage trainer. Then I took Veli for the first time on a trail ride and each day increased the time out. I don't take her too far at home since she is the only one we can ride now so another new experience for her. She was a pro and my friend could not get over how well behaved she was. I was thrilled to know now we have a trail horse. Lillevenn's basic job was to look cute and sell the fjord image which she did very well. These people are so used to their warmbloods and had never seen a fjord and thought they were more for driving. I think they have a new image of our wonderful breed. Jo Anbro from Binghamton, NY

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