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I have my sore footed mare in Sabre Sneakers to soften the frozen ground.
They look like real sneakers, with big laces across the front.
        Wouldn't you know it - she can untie the double knotted laces
with her lips! The instructions say to tighten the laces, tie a bow, and
double knot them. The first time I saw one undone I thought I must not
have done it right, but now it is an hourly occurrence. They are a good
product, they have stayed on even though they are untied, just twisted a
        So tonight I wrapped duct tape over the laces; I hope she does
not chew it off and get colic.
        All of this is very funny except I have to stand on my head down
by her feet to get the boots untied once a day. I should just let the
horse do it.
        Columbia, CT
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