This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kate wrote:
Dear Pat,

Thank you, thank you for your reply! Every once in a while I read
something on this list that I need to print out and keep. Your reply is
one of them. Might not be earth shattering news to some, but exactly
what I needed to hear. Thank you. My entire goal for myself and my
young gentleman is to go to Blue Earth this year. Can't guess what we'll
be ready to actually DO there, but we'll be there!

Pat writes:

Your more than welcome Kate,

This particular situation which we are all privet to, with Kate is EXACTLY what I feel is MOST important to the breed in general and the registry in particular. We have some really great owners of these Fjord horses, people who are proud of their own horses.

By virtue of the breed alone (with their kind and gentle nature) we acquire members who might have come from another breed association that got way over board on competitiveness and cut throat attitude. Allot of those people got burned out - or due to life demands were unable to continue with that particular venue. They come from all sorts of backgrounds - some want to get back into the show world - but want to do so in a more "friendly" atmosphere. I have many owners, in my barn right now -who want to compete - but they also want to laugh over a mistake, share a good placing with friends, feel welcome, and feel a part of the camaraderie in the show process. Some do not have the money to compete at the "big time shows", yet allot of those same people DO have the skills and talents.

The Blue Earth show is unique in that aspect, we encourage the new person and value their participation, they are simply the life blood that keeps our show going as successfully as it is. And still we offer a venue for the experienced horseman, some of our classes are very competitive - my goodness, over the years the best of the best have shown with us, and continue to come back.

Kate, your going to have the time of your life at Blue Earth this July - you will find friends, helpers, mentors and most of all, you'll leave feeling good and wanting to come back again.

Life is good - lets enjoy it!
Pat Holland - MWFHC Show Chair

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