This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> First of all, I have a problem about who determines which stallions are
> good ones?  --  This is really a serious concern  for us in North
> merica.  --  Is it the Evaluation Program that determines everything?   -- 

I CAN tell you who DOES determine which stallions and MARES are the "good
ones". And although I am a big supporter of the American Evaluation System,
I believe that the true test is when the offspring goes out into the general
memberships hands and willingly performs for their owners in an honest,
trustworthy manner with disposition to please. When the "good" stallion or
mare produces offspring that Susie Sadlon can ride up mountains without
fear, can produce offspring that Rich Hotovy can take to Farm Progress and
out perform  the big guys, can produce offspring that Anne Appleby takes FEI
and then produce walk/trot offspring , when that "good" stallion or mare
produces horses for Vivian Creigh or Beth Beymer or Penny Stuckey or Pat
Wolfe and the likes of those with high end goals, then produce for the
timid, first timers AND can produce for the guy who wants to "just" enjoy a
good horse at home...........that , in a nut shell determines which are good
or not.

As a trainer I have been on top of, behind, underneath, drug along, stepped
on, pushed, pulled, stomped, licked and kicked, and had rides and drives
from hell AND times spent with some of these "good" horses that make all the
above forgotten.  Like Marcy said so well....we eventually see a pattern
with certain bloodlines..... and it is from that which we form a pretty
honest clue of the "good ones".

I've shown horses all my life and stood in the front of the line many times,
but I have to tell you the greatest joy I get anymore is when I find a
"good" one and can match it with a person that's needs him. AND
SO.......speaking of "good" ones ..."Hostar's" page on my website is up.....the pictures are recent, still in his
"getting ready" cloths, I'll be updating pictures as the year goes on ,but
I'm having the time of my life with him and when he goes home to Melinda
Springs, she'll have herself a great schoolmaster and he'll have a great

Pat Holland

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