RE: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Yogesh Singh
How can I unregister from group? With Regards Yogesh Singh -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason M Horwitz Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 5:14 AM To: Flash Coders List Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex? You could do this

Re: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Ed McManus
In FlexBuilder you should be able to do this by referencing assets in an SWC made from your .fla (To do this in Flash CS3 check "Export SWC" in Publish Settings) However, there is a bug with the Flex SDK and CS3 SWC's. You'll need to install the following patch if you want to do anything with the

Re: [Flashcoders] Beginning of String matching algorithm?

2008-01-08 Thread Glen Pike
Sorry, rattled that last one off a bit fast and made a couple of mistakes. Anyway, an ArrayCollection has a property called "filterFunction" which you can add a callback to like so in Flex: (In Flash you can use the Array.filter property - you don't get the ArrayCollection) //load your XML

Re: [Flashcoders] Beginning of String matching algorithm?

2008-01-08 Thread Glen Pike
if you are in AS3 / Flex, look at the filters for ArrayCollection / XML. Glen Steven Loe wrote: I have a plan, but I suspect that it not a great approach: I have an alpha sorted xml file containing hundreds of titles. I'd like to create an array of items whose beginning contains my search str

Re: [Flashcoders] How to call custom method on loaded AS3 swf?

2008-01-08 Thread Muzak
Have you tried casting to MovieClip? regards, Muzak - Original Message - From: "Adrian Park" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:45 PM Subject: [Flashcoders] How to call custom method on loaded AS3 swf? This is my first post to the list in 2008 so hi and compl

[Flashcoders] Beginning of String matching algorithm?

2008-01-08 Thread Steven Loe
I have a plan, but I suspect that it not a great approach: I have an alpha sorted xml file containing hundreds of titles. I'd like to create an array of items whose beginning contains my search string. So if the search string is "Ba" and this is my list, I'd want the 3rd and 4th items only: 1

Re: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Jason M Horwitz
You could do this with Ant and JSFL - check out the buildfile and safeTestMovie.jsfl from my FDTKit project: I think the test_movie ant target does pretty much what you're lookin

[Flashcoders] flash and 3d asset options

2008-01-08 Thread Shannon Romano
Hi List I came across this site the other day while researching 3d games and possibilities with Flash: I don't think it's a Papervision game although I could be wrong. Rather, it looks to me some 3d models were

[Flashcoders] Actionscript 2.0 / Flash Contractor needed for high profile project at Fluid

2008-01-08 Thread Ameet Mehta
Greetings Flashcoders, Fluid ( develops award-winning interactive digital retail experiences for clients including Reebok, Timberland, JanSport, Mattel, and The North Face. We are looking for a skilled, experienced, and passionate contractor to work on a high profile RIA

RE: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Merrill, Jason
Well, you didn't say Mac. :) minor omission. Jason Merrill Bank of America GT&O L&LD Solutions Design & Development eTools & Multimedia Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community >>-Original Message- >>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf >>O

[Flashcoders] looking for Lead Flex/Flash Engineer

2008-01-08 Thread Ameet Mehta
Flashcoders, Fluid ( develops and sells the Fluid Retail(TM) suite of online merchandising tools that simplify, automate, and optimize online merchandising. Fluid also designs and develops award-winning interactive digital retail experiences for clients including Reebok,

Re: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Jason Van Cleave
On a Mac so FlashDevelop isn't an option. What I am looking to do is hit the run button from inside Eclipse/Flex Builder have it jump over to Flash and compile. It's a minor inconvenience when compared to editing ActionScript in the Flash Editor but I was hoping someone had built a bridge somehow.

Re: [Flashcoders] How to call custom method on loaded AS3 swf?

2008-01-08 Thread Steven Sacks Might want to check this out as I think it's similar. Bridge pattern. ___ Flashcoders mailing list http://chattyfig.fig

RE: [Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Merrill, Jason
Why target a .fla? Do you mean .swf? I think FlashDevelop + Flex SDK compiler is a great combo and very easy to set up. Jason Merrill Bank of America GT&O L&LD Solutions Design & Development eTools & Multimedia Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community

[Flashcoders] Compile .fla from Flex?

2008-01-08 Thread Jason Van Cleave
I know FDT can do this but I am having issues with the new version and AS3. Has anyone found a way of targeting a .fla from a Flex Builder Actionscript Project? ___ Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] How to call custom method on loaded AS3 swf?

2008-01-08 Thread August Gresens
I'm doing a lot of this too (also have my own MVC style framework and would be interested in discussing this in another thread). I think the problem here is that you need to cast it to the swf's custom type to access the custom methods. This won't work, however, unless the custom type's class has

Re: [Flashcoders] Zinc port hell

2008-01-08 Thread August Gresens
Interesting that you mention Director. I've been also been a Director developer since 1995. I'm hoping for a comeback as well. For awhile it was looking as though it was completely dead, which is why we made the switch. I would prefer an Adobe solution as well. Not being able to use the Flex debug

[Flashcoders] How to call custom method on loaded AS3 swf?

2008-01-08 Thread Adrian Park
This is my first post to the list in 2008 so hi and compliments of the season to y'all. So, here's the context... I have an application framework built in AS3 and based on the MVC pattern. One of my Views loads a compiled swf also built in AS3. When it is that View's turn to be displayed, it gets

RE: [Flashcoders] Zinc port hell

2008-01-08 Thread Kerry Thompson
Ian Thomas wrote: > It was quite some time ago now, but we had a lot of problems with Zinc's > stability; in particular, upgrades to Zinc broke existing (critical for > us) functionality and a fix wasn't issued for several months. > > As a result, we moved away from the product. I haven't used

Re: [Flashcoders] F9/Flex2: Resource Hit for Flash 8 Embeds?

2008-01-08 Thread Jer Brand
That's good to know -- I think I got it into my head the embed was using AVM1 because of some performance issues I was having embedding a swf / flv in one of my first Flex experiments. @Matthew -- I'm going to have to look around on that one. I know I read that each F8 swf loaded had it's own isol

RE: [Flashcoders] capture and email

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
If its AS3 You could use the JPEGEncoder class to send a ByteArray over remoting using AMF3 and create the jpg serevr side and add it to an attachment of an email you send or embed it... -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bo Parker Sent: 08 Ja

RE: [Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
Its sounds like you want to investigate using an XMLSocket Server users connect and stay connected such that when a change occurs all connected clients get the data instantly (plus or minus the latency / wire time) Download the trials of one of both of these and have a play: http://www.smartfoxs

Re: [Flashcoders] Making a flash game "safe for work"

2008-01-08 Thread Alexander Farber
Sorry I've yet to read up on the filters, but do you think I need an extra movieclip or can I apply the filters to the _root itself? On Jan 8, 2008 7:13 PM, Zeh Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > If you enclose your whole movie by a movieclip, you can then apply > filters to it to change color

[Flashcoders] capture and email

2008-01-08 Thread Bo Parker
I have an application that allows people to build, and customize buildings. The client would like the functionality available to screen capture their final building and attach to an email through a flash based email form. The email form is no problem but 1) I"m not sure how to is best to capt

Re: [Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Sidney de Koning
Hi Matthew, Thanks for the reply, it cleared things up. What i 'm trying to achieve is this: I have a application that is just listening to updates according to the preferences within tha app, and checks every 5 minutes if there is an update. However with the push model , as soon as an update

Re: [Flashcoders] Making a flash game "safe for work"

2008-01-08 Thread Zeh Fernando
If you enclose your whole movie by a movieclip, you can then apply filters to it to change colors, desaturate, use a threshold to make it black + white, etc. But if you're really going for a safe-for-work game, it'd be a better choice to go with a version that replaced graphic assets with text

RE: [Flashcoders] F9/Flex2: Resource Hit for Flash 8 Embeds?

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
Yeah I think it may ignore any AS2 code when you embed an FP8 swf and runs in the AVM2 as a simple animation... -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glen Pike Sent: 08 January 2008 16:42 To: Flash Coders List Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] F9/Flex2

Re: [Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Jiri Heitlager
Hans, thank you for the very clear answer. I have a feeling now why things went wrong and will work with your suggested psuedo code. Thank you again. Jiri Hans Wichman wrote: Hi Jiri, well not really, since 100 / 0.15 is not a whole number, it is 666,6 etc. Although this is a great numb

Re: [Flashcoders] F9/Flex2: Resource Hit for Flash 8 Embeds?

2008-01-08 Thread Glen Pike
Hi, I think by using [Embed], the Flex compiler "Transcodes" stuff at compile time - it also whinges about AS2 code if you are coding in AS3, so I am guessing it maybe does not use the AVM1. Runtime loading is different, but outside my expertise. Glen Matthew James Poole wrote: Fl

Re: [Flashcoders] Making a flash game "safe for work"

2008-01-08 Thread Glen Pike
Hi, You can use the ColorTransform filter in Flash 8, have a look at Mario Klingemann's site with a demo... Glen Alexander Farber wrote: Hello flashcoders, I'm developing a small multiplayer card game in AS2 (and embedded in a phpBB 3

[Flashcoders] Making a flash game "safe for work"

2008-01-08 Thread Alexander Farber
Hello flashcoders, I'm developing a small multiplayer card game in AS2 (and embedded in a phpBB 3 forum). I'd like to target corporate users too and have spent extra efforts to keep the game playable through proxies+firewalls. Additionally I'd like to offer an option to the users, so that they c

RE: [Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
Hi Sidney, It is possible to write socket servers in PHP (theres one in the Pear library), but php is not generally considered a good language to write one in. As such most Socket Servers used with Flash are written in Java (or sometimes .Net). It really depends on what you are trying to achieve,

Re: [Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Sidney de Koning
Hi Matthew! With a socket server, can you tell me how to go? What software would i need, and how long would it take to set up a socket server? (can this be done with php, or do i need another language? because it needs to support quite some people). Can you also explain the difference tween

RE: [Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
... Also you could look into using BlazeDS if you know any Java you could implement a JMS adapter for it... -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew James Poole Sent: 08 January 2008 15:00 To: Flash Coders List Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] PU

RE: [Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
Everything you can do in Flex you can do in AIR, with the addition that the security model is more relaxed. So yes polling a php script would work. Or you could use XMLSocker or BinarySocker to have actual push - though you'd need a socket server to achieve this... -Original Message- From

[Flashcoders] PUSH/PULL model in AIR

2008-01-08 Thread Sidney de Koning
Hi List, Is there a push/pull model in AIR like there is in Flex? I need to show a popup if the database has changed. What is the best way of realizing this? My idea was this; let the air app contact a server/database (through php) with an interval of 5 minutes orso to see if the data has chan

RE: [Flashcoders] F9/Flex2: Resource Hit for Flash 8 Embeds?

2008-01-08 Thread Matthew James Poole
Flash 8 movies loaded into a Flash 9 movie use the AVM1, whereas anything AS3 uses the AVM2. I wasn't aware that multiple AVM1 instances would be started up though... -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jer Brand Sent: 08 January 2008 13:59 To

Re: [Flashcoders] Zinc port hell

2008-01-08 Thread Ian Thomas
It was quite some time ago now, but we had a lot of problems with Zinc's stability; in particular, upgrades to Zinc broke existing (critical for us) functionality and a fix wasn't issued for several months. As a result, we moved away from the product. Ian On Jan 8, 2008 1:50 PM, August Gresens <

[Flashcoders] F9/Flex2: Resource Hit for Flash 8 Embeds?

2008-01-08 Thread Jer Brand
Okay, random question sparked by Glen Pike's response in another thread: I was under the impression that any use of Flash 8 assets in a Flex 2 (and by extension Flash 9) by either embedding or loading caused the new Player to instantiate a virtual FP8 player for each instance. Does it apply only t

Re: [Flashcoders] Zinc port hell

2008-01-08 Thread August Gresens
Here's an update, just in case someone else is having the same problems. >From looking around more on the zinc forums, it seems others are having problems running AS3/Flash Player 9 apps in Zinc 2.5. I also tested another wrapper called Janus which worked, so this confirmed that the problem is wit

Re: [Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Hans Wichman
Hi Jiri, well not really, since 100 / 0.15 is not a whole number, it is 666,6 etc. Although this is a great number home to many a great song, 100.05 is divisible by 0.15 hence the result. If you really want to do what you want you should deduct the Math.floorfirst, perform the step calculatio

[Flashcoders] Problems loading AS2 into AS2 then into AS3 holder

2008-01-08 Thread Alistair Colling
Hi there, I have an AS3 movie in to which I load as AS2 movie, this works great. My problem starts when I then load another AS2 movie into the first AS2 movie. I am using MovieClipLoader and although the swf I am loading loads (I have put a trace on its timeline so I know it's there), the o

Re: [Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Jiri Heitlager
Hmm, i understand the logic now, but there is this small thing I dont understand Math.round(100.2/0.15)*0.15) results in 100.2 it should actually be 100.15... Is it possible to get this result, can somebody please help me out (again) Jiri Hans Wichman wrote: Hi, sonething like: trace (Math.

Re: [Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Jiri Heitlager
Great, that seems to work like a charm. Thanks a million.. Jiri Hans Wichman wrote: Hi, sonething like: trace (Math.round(100.1/0.15)*0.15); trace (Math.round(100.35/0.5)*0.5); trace (Math.round(100.175/0.125)*0.125); greetz JC On Jan 8, 2008 10:05 AM, Jiri Heitlager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Hans Wichman
Hi, sonething like: trace (Math.round(100.1/0.15)*0.15); trace (Math.round(100.35/0.5)*0.5); trace (Math.round(100.175/0.125)*0.125); greetz JC On Jan 8, 2008 10:05 AM, Jiri Heitlager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > i am not at all a mathematic/calculus wonder and would therefore like >

Re: [Flashcoders] Zinc port hell

2008-01-08 Thread Shang
I worked with zinc for a while, but I didn't have the absolute or relative path problem at all. My Problem was more like Ben stated, the document was not accurate especially the return object type. On Jan 8, 2008 7:16 AM, ben gomez farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I've found that Zinc has been

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Key Object Changed With New Plugin Update?

2008-01-08 Thread elia . lists
Yup, but that isn't the problem... the problem is that Key.getCode() will give you 17 if you press CTRL+5. So it's trapping only the the CTRL key. Elia - Original Message - From: "Alexander Farber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Flash Coders List" Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 9:56 AM Su

Re: [Flashcoders] Preloading images

2008-01-08 Thread Shang
bulk loader. On Jan 8, 2008 11:49 AM, Dave Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi > > Another approach (if the number and size of the images isn't too > great) is to grab the bitmapdata from each one once it's loaded and > store that in an array. > > David > >

[Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Jiri Heitlager
Hello, i am not at all a mathematic/calculus wonder and would therefore like some help with the following. I need to round numbers up or down to a certain step size. As an example: nVal = 100,1 nStep = 0,15 outcome = 225,15 nVal = 100,35 nStep = 0,5 outcome = 100,5 nVal = 100,175 nStep = 0,125

[Flashcoders] Step rouding numbers

2008-01-08 Thread Jiri Heitlager
Hello, i am not at all a mathematic/calculus wonder and would therefore like some help with the following. I need to round numbers up or down to a certain step size. As an example: nVal = 100,1 nStep = 0,15 outcome = 225,15 nVal = 100,35 nStep = 0,5 outcome = 100,5 nVal = 100,175 nStep = 0,125

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Key Object Changed With New Plugin Update?

2008-01-08 Thread Alexander Farber
On MSIE, don't you need to click the flash lugin first? On Jan 8, 2008 9:43 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It works fine in Firefox, but this is related to IE 7,and it's fairly new. > This is on Windows XP, I have not been able to test any other configs. > It has to be something updated in IE7

Re: [Flashcoders] Is Key Object Changed With New Plugin Update?

2008-01-08 Thread elia . lists
It works fine in Firefox, but this is related to IE 7,and it's fairly new. This is on Windows XP, I have not been able to test any other configs. It has to be something updated in IE7 or the plugin. // track CTRL+5 if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) && Key.getCode() == 53) {trace("yes");} Elia - O