I'm trying to create some HTML anchor links within a text field that
will open in the current browser page (using target='_self').
The link works, but only in the following circumstances:
a) When you click the link on the published version within flash
b) When you drag the swf file into a browser
And it doesn't work when the flash file is embedded in a HTML doc.
For example, doesn't work when:
a) Publish with an HTML page from flash and open in browser
b) Drag and drop into a new HTML page created in Dreamweaver and open in
However if you CTRL-click within Firefox, or SHIFT-click with IE it does
I've set the Local playback security in the publish settings to Access
network only and still no joy.
Here is my code:
this.createTextField("myText_txt", 0, 25, 25, 300, 200);
var myStyle:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet ();
myStyle.setStyle ("a:link", {fontWeight:'bold',
textDecoration:'underline', fontSize:'16'});
myStyle.setStyle ("a:visited", {fontWeight:'bold',
textDecoration:'underline', fontSize:'16'});
myStyle.setStyle ("a:hover", {fontWeight:'bold',
textDecoration:'underline', fontSize:'16'});
myText_txt.styleSheet = myStyle;
myText_txt.html = true;
myText_txt.htmlText = "<a href='http://www.bbc.co.uk'

I obviously need it to work within an HTML page.
Any help greatly appreciated.
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