Re: [Flashcoders] Creating a drawing RIA

2006-06-19 Thread Weyert de Boer
I would think you can just wrap the textfield in a movieclip and use the DraggableMovieClip class. Maybe you can continue on this example by Mario? ___ To change your

RE: [Flashcoders] Creating a drawing RIA

2006-06-19 Thread Bjorn Schultheiss
PM To: 'Flashcoders mailing list' Subject: [Flashcoders] Creating a drawing RIA Hi guys, Is there anybody who can point me in the right direction on how to manipulate a textbox pulled onto a drawingboard and then let it be resized by dragging or change the font by an pulldownlist etc. Etc

[Flashcoders] Creating a drawing RIA

2006-06-19 Thread T. van Zantvoort
Hi guys, Is there anybody who can point me in the right direction on how to manipulate a textbox pulled onto a drawingboard and then let it be resized by dragging or change the font by an pulldownlist etc. Etc. I have tried several things, but it just won't work at certain points. met vriendel