Hello list,

I have a client that wants something like this:

Basically a huge image is split into tiles, and each load a tileImage.
The user can drag a navigator (small view in ratio) over the image. It
can occur that the tiles under the view are not loaded yet. To deal with
this I need to know wich tiles are visable, after the user has moved the
navigator and then load the corresponding image in at the position.
Becuase the amount of tiles, can become quit big I dont want to loop
through all the tile MovieClips to find out the closestby. I have a
feeling trignomotry is the way to ga, but am poor in Mathmatics. In my
example you will find a image with 100x100 movieclip tiles. This is just
for testing, because in the end I would like to dynamically
createMovieClips on there right location. So I actually need to find out
locations [x,y] that are visible.

I uploaded some files and hope someone will take the time to dowlaod
them and help me with finding a solution.

Here is a view:

and here the .fla can be downloaded

Many thnx


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