

I'm building a Flash 8 application that parses XML files containing HTML and
a separate CSS file to build its various layouts using homebrew components.
So far I'm having a wail of time as almost everything has been working as


One of this project's requirements is that pop-up windows can contain
graphics and/or text so for simplicity I've used a text field to dynamically
load in whatever is relevant to that pop-up.  Some of those graphics are
embedded SWF files; they have their own control for printing and that's
where my problem begins.


The printable SWF libraries contain linkage ids for the print target clip
along with links a shared print "button" clip. The print button, when
clicked, creates the page layout with headers and footers and attaches the
print target, scaling and rotating as needed to fit properly on a piece of
paper.  It all works fine when the SWF is not embedded in a text field,
however when embedded, the printed page is clipped to the boundaries of the
text field that the SWF is in.


I've tried creating the page using a container elsewhere (i.e. at various
_parent's up to get above the text field object) but if I do that then
nothing shows at all; yet I know the print page is being created as I have
access to all of the objects in it.


I am aware that the text field object has problems, such as showing inline
images, and have tried things like adding a few dozen line breaks in the
HTML but to no avail.


The only bit of luck I have had is to set the parent or the embedded SWF
(the text field) mask to null.  The complete page prints out perfectly.
However, I cannot reapply the text field's mask as I don't know what it's
called.  Unfortunately there is no getMask() method.


So, does anyone know a workaround or know what the name of the object the
text field uses to mask its contents?


Please help as I'm rapidly running out of hair to pull!  I've searched the
archives and haven't been able to spot anything related to this.  (I have
local copy of every Flash Coder email going back to early 2002 so that
should be early enough!)


Thanks in advance





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