About a month ago I started developing a website using the Gaia flash framework (http://gaiaflashframework.com) and once I got a rough version 1.0 of the site together and started testing it hard (with various people on various OS and browser versions) I started to get feedback that it would randomly crash the browser. I experienced it as well from time to time. My primary development platform is a Mac Powerbook running Leopard and Safari 3.1. After flipping through a few pages of the site, I would get the spinning beachball of death which would immediately be followed by the browser resetting.

My question is, other than querying System.totalMemory from time to time, are there any other troubleshooting/debugging tools that I can use to figure out if I'm releasing objects properly or just generally what is going on in the flash site at the time of the crash? I'd love to post the site somewhere for someone to troubleshoot but it's fairly sizeable with all the moving pieces and I'm not sure if that's allowed.

Steve Bailey
Flashcoders mailing list

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