Thanks Ed. Is that to say that AIR for Android is included in CS5 Pro? I'd
like to find out how I can start getting into this myself.

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Ed Murphy <>wrote:

> Yep AIR for android is very much alive and kicking... I recently released a
> simple quiz game called JeresySure? You can find it on the marketplace.
> Anywho, CS5 pro allows devs to not only build but deploy the app locally as
> to debug over wifi.  Tracing and what not.  It even includes a simple way
> to
> create certs, when it's time to launch.
> Keep in mind though, many native android capabilities are still not
> available through the AIR player.  The progressDialogue box comes to mind.
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:27 PM, <> wrote:

Hey Listites,
> I spent the morning salivating over Lee Brimelow's gotoAndLearn() tutorials
> of AIR for Android Parts 1 & 2 [
>]. So excite! Unfortunately, I
> get the impression that the AIR for Android Extension for Flash CS5 was only
> available under a prerelease program, which I think has now closed (?)
> So, would anyone know what the status of AIR for Android is? Would
> latecomers like me still be able to dive in, or how long would it be till
> that happy day? Is it still going to be a CS5 extension when it's released
> For Realz?
> Also, I apologise in advance for unintentional but probable gormlessness of
> these questions.
> Thank you!
> Con.
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