yep, i was doing something retarded.  i didnt extend MovieClip in the class
i was running that loop in, threw everything off.

On 12/19/05, Rich Rodecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must be doing something completely retarded.  I have a movieclip
> subclass, "Ringtone".
> then I have a loop in which i am creating new instances witha create()
> method, then start a timer that will make the buttons appear:
>     function buildRingtones(recordset:Object){
>         trace("ringtones received!");
>         totalRingtones = recordset.length;
>         var nextY=0;
>         var gap = 5;
>         for (var i:Number = 0; i< 10; i++){
>             var rtButton:Ringtone = Ringtone.createRingtone(canvas_mc,
> "ringtone"+i, i);
>             trace("CREATED RINGTONE : "+rtButton);
>             rtButton._y = nextY;
>             nextY += rtButton._height + gap;
>             rtButton.addEventListener("ringtoneSelected", 
> Delegate.create(this,
> onRingtoneSelect));
>         }
>         enterInt = IntervalManager.setInterval(10, this, "enterRingtones",
> 100);
>         nextRingtone = 0;
>     }
>     function enterRingtones(){
>         trace("canvas_mc = "+canvas_mc)
>         trace(canvas_mc["ringtone"+nextRingtone])
>         canvas_mc["ringtone"+nextRingtone].gotoAndPlay("enter");
>         nextRingtone++;
>         if (nextRingtone == totalRingtones){
>             IntervalManager.clearInterval(enterInt);
>         }
>     }
> The output of the trace in the enter ringtones looks like this:
> _level0.menu_ringtones_mc.scrollingList.canvas_mc.ringtone0
> Error: A 'with' action failed because the specified object did not exist.
> the static method looks like this:
> static function createRingtone(target:MovieClip, name:String,
> depth:Number):Ringtone{
>         var rt:Ringtone = Ringtone(target.attachMovie("RingtoneSymbol",
> name, depth));
>         rt.init();
>         return rt;
>     }
> anyone ever run into this before?
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