Just solved a troubling issue that I couldn't find information about
online. Thought I'd share:

We are using ExternalInterface to call a JavaScript function that pops
windows up. The JavaScript function looks like this:

   function popupWindow(href, page, width, height) {
      // ... typical JavaScript popup code

Then, of course, in ActionScript there's a call like this:

   ExternalInterface.call("popupWindow", href, id, width, height);

Problem is, when called from Firefox, it would kill some (but not all)
of the Flash content's functionality. Animations would freeze and most
interactive elements would stop working. (Oddly enough, though,
buttons with links to external pages, including the button that
triggered the popup, still worked. This despite the fact that they
weren't simply calling ExternalInterface of getURL, but using a
complex, event-driven architecture for page navigation.)

One solution, it turns out, is to use setTimeout in the JavaScript:

   function popupWindow(href, page, width, height) {
       setTimeout("popupWindow2('" + href + "','" + page + "'," +
width + "," + height + ")", 1);
   function popupWindow2(href, page, width, height) {
      // ... typical JavaScript popup code

Now it works fine in both FF and IE.

If anyone knows of a more elegant solution (not that this is that
bad--I can certainly live with it), please post.
T. Michael Keesey
The Dinosauricon: http://dino.lm.com
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