

I am working on a dynamic presentation generator which allows for user
generated SWF content authored by a console, external XML files,  and
compiled by using swfmill and mtasc.


The user can define animations on textfields, along with changing fonts,
sizes, etc.


The problem I'm having is that when running the MTASC compiled SWF, and the
text animates, it is leaving a ghost trail behind, as if the stage is not
refreshing the display. Using embedFonts with textformats and external font
library to created the text content along with the animation package to
animate the content. Also. The top of the text is being cut off, as if the
baseline is being shifted up a half of a line. (BTW. the text displays fine
in my SWF studio authored console upon reimport of the parameters).


Any thoughts? Have already tried updateAfterEvent in an onEnterFrame call.
Could this be an MTASC compiling bug?


Thanks in advance,



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