Re: [Flashcoders] Change layer/path of a MovieClip

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Bedar
You cannot change the parent of a movieclip in Flash 8, although from what I understand about 8.5 this will be possible. If you want a movieclip on the root, why not make it there? tmp_mc=_root.attachMovie('blankClip', 'mc'+depth, depth); tmp_mc.loadMovie(moduleName+'.swf'); thingie

RE: [Flashcoders] Change layer/path of a MovieClip

2006-01-03 Thread Johan Karlsson
Methods 1 and 2 is not possible. A movieclip can only be attached to a timeline inside the "owning" swf. One dirty fix would be to do the second load emidiatly after the "module" has loaded. Since that usually would mean it loading from the cache it would load to the next frame. And don't conside