Dear all,

I used Liferay framework, Adobe Flex 3  Chart, extjs , Java technology
to build a site and to embed .swf file (version 10.0.12 ) into [b]jsp
page[/b], I used SWFObject 2.1

My homepage have two small chart (coded in the same way) .When I open
homepage with IE7, everything is OK  but with FireFox 3 , I meet a
problem .

- With first chart , placed in center of home page, I just see two
axis and gridlines instead of lines . I change tab to reload data and
I can see lines as requirement. [b]Problem in the first loading[/b] .
- With second chart, placed in the footer . When I scroll down , it's
begin drawing and show lines normally .

There's a pleasant . I [b]swaped the place of two chart[/b] and now I
met same problem with second chart . It mean : the problem will occur
to chart is put in the [b]area that user can see [/b]. Chart that user
have to [b]scroll down [/b] to view can be load normally.

Can you tell me what happen with my charts or give me a guide to solve
my problem.
Thanks for reading.

Embeded codes:

<script type="text/javascript">
                MARKET_STATISTIC_CSV_URL = '${csvUrl}';
                var marketStatisticSmallChart = new SWFObject('/fundinfo/flash/
MarketStatisticSmallChart.swf', 'MarketStatisticSmallChart', '285',
'270', '9', '#869CA7');
                marketStatisticSmallChart.addParam('menu', 'false');
                marketStatisticSmallChart.addParam('wmode', 'transparent');

                function sendUrlInit() {

                function drawMarketStatisticSmallChart() {

                function getFlexApp(appName) {
                        if (navigator.appName.indexOf ("Microsoft") !=-1) {
                                return window[appName];
                        } else {
                                return document[appName];

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