Hi, as u told, u are using ArrayCollection to hold the array of
abjects. Say if u have ArrayCollection as AC, to access first object's
username, use AC[0].username. similarly if u want to access password u
can use AC[0].password. Hope this helps u.


On Oct 22, 1:22 am, explorer <skon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need solution for accessing some values of variables that are stored
> in array collection. I send Value Object from FLEX using Remote Object
> (amfphp). Service I write in php send query to database and return
> back object (this is array again). Using remoting I get data back to
> Flex data from database (when I use debuger i see this variables) but
> I don t know how to reference on certain values. I realy need help
> with this one. Examples that I find on web is sending this array to
> datagrid, where data grid is data source. I need to to read some
> values from that result array.
> This are additional information:
> Flex --> user registration form.
> on click --> send to php service username i password
> service --> send query to database requesting all information about
> that user.
> php service --> validate user and create object (instance of class
> that is the same on flex and php side)
> flex recive this object in form of array of objects
> this is what I have but now is problem how to access values of
> attributs, like Object User ( username, password, address, hometown,
> userstatus, userID .... ) now I want to take information like user
> status and userID from result object.
> Any suggestions are more then welcome.

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