<hbox horizontalscrollpolicy=off />

On Mar 9, 8:16 pm, Akshar <akshar.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> use horizontalscrollpolicy = off
> On Mar 9, 8:10 pm, pradeepflex <pradeepflex.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Friends,
> > Please help me out this one i have crossed all the possibilities with
> > this datagrid
> > I have used one custom item renderer like this....
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100%"
> > paddingTop="7" implements="mx.core.IFactory">
> > <mx:Script>
> >         <![CDATA[
> >                 import mx.controls.RadioButton;
> >                  public function newInstance():*
> >                         {
> >                            return new custItemRenderer();
> >                         }
> >                 public function clickEvent(event:MouseEvent):void{
> >                         
> > parentDocument.imageHandler(data.POSITION_ID,data.COLLEAGUE_NAME);
> >                 }
> >         ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> > <mx:Image id="img" visible="{data.GRID_COUNT > 0}" source="images/
> > srch_plus.gif" click="clickEvent(event)"/>
> > <mx:Label id="Lbl" text="{data.COLLEAGUE_NAME}" truncateToFit="true"/>
> > </mx:HBox>
> > In some cases if the label data more than width i mentoned in datagrid
> > column horzontal scroll bar come in to picture.currently i want to
> > disable this feature like default datagrid
> >         <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="           Name"  sortable="false"
> > draggable="false" width="75" id="col1"
> > itemRenderer="com.pfizer.gss.modules.view.add_position.custItemRenderer"
> >                         </mx:DataGridColumn>
> > Thanks for any urgent help................
> > Regards,
> > Pradeep

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